Best of Honduras
We visited Honduras for 30 days starting June 9, 2016. We entered by bus through Las Manos crossing border coming from Nicaragua and did not encounter any problems other than the slow working style of government employees. While in the country, we traveled a total of 2 hours in boat and 30 by bus, making stops in Tegucigalpa, Utila Island, San Pedro Sula, Yojoa Lake, San Isidro, Puerto Cortes, Copan Ruinas, and Gracias. One of our most interesting experiences in Honduras took place while WWOOFing close to San Isidro at an organic farm and private natural reserve where we learned about the cocoa plant from fruit to processing.
While we were in Honduras, we learned many things about this nation that captivated our minds and souls in many ways. Honduras is the country with more forest and mountains in Central America, having even much more trees than the world famous Costa Rica. But despite the promising future that the preservation of Honduras’ natural resources represents, many of their internationally recognized environmentalist have been assassinated. The recent murder of Bertha Cazares, a well-known environmental leader and advocate, was all over news and in the hearts of many citizens while we were in the country. We were very surprised to discover that the famous Spanish song, “Sopa de Caracol,” is originally from Honduras and a tribute to one of their most delicious national dishes. Honduras’ Caribbean coast is gorgeous and culturally rich by its diverse population. Honduras was also homeland to the Mayan Civilization, Copan ruins are a speaking legacy of this precious heritage. Honduras was also the first “banana country,” where U.S. companies were established and the U.S. government’s presence and influence has been a constant. In recent years, Honduras has also been the country from which more illegal immigrants leave towards the U.S. in hopes of the so called “American Dream.” In contrast with its neighboring countries, Honduras never had a civil war of organized guerrilla leftist movement, but instead suffered of gun violence in other ways, such as land disputes and in more recent decades due to the gang groups deported from the U.S. In 2015, Honduras had the second highest incident of violent deaths in the world, caused mostly by gangs and drug trafficking activity. Civilians and businesses suffered from extortions and right before we entered the country there have been recurrent gang attacks on intercity bus companies for refusing to pay them. Regardless of the depressing statistics and the fear we sensed in most locals, we did not face any danger. We did our best to follow people’s advice to diminish any risk and enjoy our stay to the fullest.
We left Honduras feeling astonished by its richness and potential. Despite the challenges and difficulties, many locals continue striving to improve their lives. We know the present and future of this country could be brighter if better leaders will raise to govern. We hope more travelers will take the chance to explore it, because Honduras has so much to offer and fall in love with. 😉
Below are other great things we enjoyed about Honduras:
Food and Drinks
Barena Beer
Baleada: flour tortilla traditionally stuffed with beans, milk cream, and cheese, but now you can find with almost anything
Anafre: refried beans with cheese and meat served with tortilla chips
Sopa de Olla: beef soup
Salvavida Beer
Port Royal Beer
Conch Soup
Snapper Fish
D&D Brewery Beers
Typical Breakfast: eggs, sausage, sweet plantains, fried beans, cream, avocado, and cheese
Montuca: sweet corn tamales with meat and cream
Mariscada: seafood platter
Chuleta con Tajadas: pork chops with fried plantains
Sopa Marinera: seafood soup
Noni Tea: local fruit
Michelada: beer mixed with any combination of lemon/lime juice, salt, hot sauce, Worcestershire sauce, and/or Clamato

Favorite Sights and Activities
Learning to Make Chocolate from Harvest to Grinding while WWOOFing in San Isidro
Enjoying the Tranquility and Natural Setting of Lago de Yojoa
Mesmerized at the Mayan Structures in Copan Ruinas
Paul: from the USA, a friend of a friend who hosted us in Tegucigalpa.
Jonathan: from the USA, Paul’s friend we met in Tegucigalpa.
Gerardo: from Honduras, Paul’s friend we met in Tegucigalpa.
German, Miriam, Dayana, and Jason: from Honduras, family friends that hosted us in San Pedro Sula and we went together to Lago de Yojoa.
Cecilia, Damian, Mariana, and Fanny: from Honduras and Argentina, our WWOOFing hosts in San Isidro.
Gaby: from Honduras, Mariana’s friend we met in the farm while WWOOFing.
Jose: from Honduras, an employee in the farm where we were WWOOFing.
Victor, Wendy, and Santi: from Honduras, Victor is Sal’s cousin that was able to host us in Puerto Cortes.
Cindy: from Honduras, Wendy’s sister we met in Puerto Cortes.
Tito and his children (Stefania, Jackilyn, and Salvador): from Honduras, Tito is Sal’s cousin we were able to get together in Puerto Cortes.
Animals Viewed
Various Birds

Common Sayings
Masiso = Cool
Pacho = Shallow
Cipote/a = Boy/Girl
Guirro/a = Boy/Girl
Pichingos = Cartoons
Chiniar = To Carry
Va Pue = Okay
Solares = Property Lots