
Finding out what immunizations were necessary to visit specific countries around the world was not only a fundamental aspect of getting prepared for our trip, but it was also a precautionary measure for our health. We used many resources to obtain our final decision regarding vaccinations. The following are some of our resources: visit the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, consult with our doctor, contact local clinics that specialize in travel immunizations, read suggestions giving by travel guide books, and visit embassy websites regarding vaccination requirements for each country.
Obtaining all the immunizations needed could be an expensive and lengthy process. In our experience, the majority of the vaccinations required were available at the general physician’s office and covered by our medical insurance.
Keep in mind that countries like Colombia and El Salvador, where Yellow Fever is an epidemic, offer this immunization at no charge. However, this vaccination must be administrated 10 days before visiting an area of risk. Furthermore, vaccinations like Hepatitis A and B require multiple doses within a 6-month period. Fortunately, we planned ahead and were able to receive all the necessary doses before leaving on our trip.
The following is a list of immunizations we obtained from our general practitioner:
– Hepatitis A
– Hepatitis B
– Meningococcal meningitis
– Polio
– Tetanus, Diphtheria and Acellular Pertussis – Tdap
– Measles, mumps, and rubella – MMR
We obtained Typhoid and Yellow Fever in a trip to Colombia. As mentioned above, Yellow Fever was free, and Typhoid was at a nominal fee. Due to cost or severe side effects we decided on not obtaining the Cholera, Japanese Encephalitis, and Rabies vaccines. Lastly, we took Malaria pills with us, but were not eager to take them since they have serious side effects.