Below are our expenses and how they compared to our budget (in USD):
Cost of Transportation: $313 versus Budgeted: $1,350
Cost of Visa: $63 versus Budgeted: $280
Cost per day: $48 versus Budgeted: $87
Due to incorrect information from the Russian Embassy, we decided to only obtain a transit visa for Russia. The visa was only required for Sal, since it turned out that Colombian citizens did not need a visa. This decision resulted in savings throughout: the visa cost was less since we only required one transit visa, with the transit visa we were only allowed to stay a couple nights in Moscow and therefore the only transportation cost was a direct train from Ulaanbaatar to Moscow, and because of the shorter time in Russia we were able to save 77% of the overall budget. Neither on the train nor the two nights in Moscow we had to pay for accommodation which resulted in a savings in the daily costs.